Climbing Mount Ararat 2025 seasons expedition! 
Booking for Mount Ararat climbing started!

Mount Kackar Expedition, Tours & Treking
By clicking below links, you can see our Kackar expedition and trekking pack details. Please choose which pack good for your needs and do not forget to see our information page to get more information before make your decision for Kackar. Thank you.

Pack is ideal for who likes to see rain, forest and mountain together. The Kackar-Kavron summit, at an altitude of 3937 meters, (12,933 feet), is the highest point in the range. Extensive glacier and water erosion have given these mountains their craggy, rugged look. Please clik for more to read.
Ideal for who want to see Yusufeli, Barhal, Mt. Kackar and Mount Ararat together.

Mountain Expedition is great adventure and most serious undertaking of your life. Ararat Trek cuts no corners in providing the best and safest possible chance of success. Our years of experience have allowed us to refine our service and create a structure entirely geared to your safety and success.