Climbing Mount Ararat 2025 seasons expedition! Ararat Expedition

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Mount Ararat Expedition, Information
By clicking below links, you can find information about Mount Ararat Expedition and Mount Ararat history.

The Bible does not refer to any specific mountain or peak, but rather a mountain range, "the mountains of Ararat". Nonetheless, one particular tradition identifies the mountain as Mount Masis, the highest peak in the Armenian Highland, which is called Mount Ararat. Click image for more.

This reading includes climbing story of first American (and seventh Mount Ararat expeditions) Climb to Mount Ararat.

Mountain Expedition is great adventure and most serious undertaking of your life. Mount Ararat Expedition cuts no corners in providing the best and safest possible chance of success. Our years of experience have allowed us to refine our service and create a structure entirely geared to your safety and success.
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